Natural Heart Support for your Dog

Sunday 20 December 2020

Old Dog CHF Treatment

 Old Dog CHF Treatment

Hawthorn and dandelion supplements like this can help dogs with CHF, so talk with your vet about them.

Talk to your veterinarian about how you can use herbs like this to help your older dog with heart disease.

Natural Diuretic: Dandelion is a natural diuretic, which can help reduce fluid buildup in the body, a common symptom of congestive heart failure (CHF) in old dogs.

Liver Support: Dandelion has liver-supporting properties, aiding in detoxification processes, which is beneficial for older dogs with CHF as it can help alleviate stress on the liver.

Nutrient-Rich: Dandelion is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like iron, calcium, and potassium, providing essential nutrients for overall health, especially important for aging dogs.

Anti-inflammatory: Dandelion possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation associated with CHF and alleviate discomfort in older dogs.

Heart Health: Some studies suggest that dandelion may have cardioprotective effects, potentially supporting heart health in dogs with CHF.

Blood Pressure Regulation: Dandelion may help regulate blood pressure, which is crucial for managing CHF in older dogs and preventing further complications.

Digestive Aid: Dandelion can act as a digestive aid, promoting healthy digestion and absorption of nutrients, which is vital for overall well-being in aging dogs with CHF.

Natural Antioxidants: Dandelion contains antioxidants that can help combat oxidative stress and free radical damage, supporting cellular health in older dogs with CHF.

Immune Support: The immune-boosting properties of dandelion can help strengthen the immune system, which is essential for older dogs with CHF who may be more susceptible to infections.

Fluid Balance: Dandelion's diuretic properties can assist in maintaining fluid balance in the body, reducing edema and easing breathing difficulties associated with CHF in old dogs.

Urinary Tract Health: Dandelion can promote urinary tract health by supporting kidney function and preventing urinary tract infections, common concerns in older dogs with CHF.

Gentle Detoxification: Dandelion supports gentle detoxification, helping eliminate toxins from the body, which is beneficial for older dogs with CHF to support overall health and vitality.

Improved Appetite: Some dogs with CHF may experience decreased appetite, and dandelion's digestive support properties may help stimulate appetite and ensure adequate nutrition intake.

Natural Remedy: Dandelion offers a natural, holistic approach to managing CHF symptoms in older dogs, providing relief without the potential side effects of pharmaceutical medications.

Consultation with Veterinarian: Before incorporating dandelion or any herbal remedy into an older dog's treatment plan for CHF, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian to ensure it's safe and appropriate for your dog's specific condition and any concurrent medications they may be taking.

Saturday 19 December 2020

Congestive Heart Failure In Dogs

 Congestive Heart Failure In Dogs

Talk to your veterinarian about using herbs like this to help your dog with heart disease.

Friday 18 December 2020

Dandelion Benefits for Dogs

 Dandelion Benefits for Dogs

Dandelion root tea can help with immunity, detox, and heart health. Dandelion can also be used to help dogs and cats.

Thursday 17 December 2020

Extra Calories For Skinny Cats

 Extra Calories For Skinny Cats

Cat foods for weight gain can help during illness.
Feeding  liquid foods like these to weak cats  helps them to recover.

Monday 30 November 2020

CoQ10 for dogs with MVD

 CoQ10 for dogs with MVD

CoQ10 for dogs with MVD

Ubiquinol for dogs can help with heart disease. Natural diuretics like liquid dandelion extract can also help, so speak with your veterinarian about them.

Sunday 29 November 2020

Dog with congestive heart failure coughing more

Dog with congestive heart failure coughing more



CoQ10 and dandelion can help dogs with heart failure.  Speak with your veterinarian about supplements that can support your dog's heart health. 


Tuesday 24 November 2020

CoQ10 Dog Heart Benefits

 CoQ10 Dog Heart Benefits

CoQ10 and dandelion can help dogs with heart failure.  Speak with your veterinarian about supplements that can support your dog's heart health.


Friday 13 November 2020

Cat Food after Surgery

 Cat Food after Surgery

When you need good nutrition for cats before or after a surgery, your veterinarian may recommend that you feed a liquid diet like this to help.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Giving Dog Water Loss Pills

Giving Dog Water Loss Pills

Lasix is an effective water loss pill. A holistic veterinarian may also suggest that your dog uses hawthorn. Ask your veterinarian about this and other heart supplements.

Ask your veterinarian about how supplements like this one can help a dog who needs a diuretic:

Dandelion is a natural diuretic commonly used in water loss pills for dogs.

Diuretics containing dandelion help increase urine production, which can aid in reducing water retention and bloating in dogs.

Dandelion has been used traditionally in herbal medicine for its diuretic properties.

When giving dogs water loss pills with dandelion, it's essential to follow the veterinarian's dosage instructions carefully.

Dandelion may also have additional health benefits for dogs, including supporting liver function and digestion.

Like any medication, diuretics should only be administered to dogs under the guidance of a veterinarian.

Diuretics should not be given to dogs with certain medical conditions without veterinary approval.

Regular monitoring of your dog's hydration levels and overall health is important when using diuretics.

Dandelion diuretics are often used in combination with other medications or treatments for conditions like congestive heart failure or kidney disease.

Side effects of dandelion diuretics in dogs may include increased thirst, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, or changes in urination patterns.

Some dogs may be allergic to dandelion or other ingredients in diuretic medications, so it's crucial to watch for any adverse reactions.

Giving water along with diuretics can help prevent dehydration in dogs.

Diuretics may interact with other medications your dog is taking, so it's essential to inform your vet of all medications your dog is currently on.

Long-term use of diuretics in dogs should be carefully monitored for potential adverse effects on kidney function or electrolyte balance.

While dandelion diuretics can be beneficial in certain situations, they should be used cautiously and only as prescribed by a veterinarian.

Saturday 7 November 2020

CHF Herbal Support for Dogs

 CHF herbal support for dogs

Speak with your veterinarian about supplements that can support your dog's heart health.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Dog CHF Herbs

 Dog CHF herbs

A holistic veterinarian may recommend hawthorn for your dog with CHF.


Dandelion can also be used to help dogs and cats who are coughing because of CHF. 

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Cat Nutrition Paste During Illness

 Cat Nutrition Paste During Illness

Using a cat nutrition paste during illness can help your cat if they are too weak to eat enough. Talk to your veterinarian about it. When you need good nutrition for older cats, your veterinarian may recommend that you feed a liquid diet like this to help.



Monday 26 October 2020

Senior Dogs Heart Health

 Senior Dogs Heart Health

Your senior dog should have their heart checked at least once a year. Speak with your veterinarian about supplements that can support your dog's heart health.

Advice for Dog Heart Murmurs

 Advice for Dog Heart Murmurs

All advice for dogs with heart murmurs should be implemented with your veterinarian, who can show you how to manage your dog's illness. Speak with your veterinarian about supplements that can support your dog's heart health.

Tips for Heart Failure in Dogs

 Tips for Heart Failure in Dogs

These tips for heart failure in dogs should be discussed with your vet, who can answer any additional questions that you have. Speak with your veterinarian about supplements that can support your dog's heart health.

Thursday 22 October 2020

Dog Heart Health Tips

 Dog Heart Health Tips

Speak with your veterinarian about supplements that can support your dog's heart health.

Monday 19 October 2020

Dog Heart Murmurs

 Dog Heart Murmurs

Dog heart murmurs can be addressed. Almost all heart murmurs can be treated. Speak with your veterinarian about supplements that can support your dog's heart health.

Saturday 17 October 2020

Dog Heart Failure Treatment

 Dog Heart Failure Treatment

Talk to your veterinarian about using herbs like this to help your dog with heart disease.

Thursday 16 July 2020

Treat Seborrheic Dermatitis in Horses

Treat Seborrheic Dermatitis in Horses

Your veterinarian can help to treat seborrheic dermatitis in horses, dogs, and cats. They will generally recommend an antiseborrheic shampoo. These shampoos contain ingredients like salicylic acid, and help your horse to feel more comfortable.

Along with special shampoos that improve the health of your horse's skin, your veterinarian may recommend dietary changes. Supplements can help your horse to experience improvements. This shampoo can be used to help treat seborrheic dermatitis in horses, dogs, and cats.

Saturday 20 June 2020

Live Jamaica

Live Jamaica
Throw down the things that hold us back
Embrace the words of our anthem
Soar on our dreams
Let our efforts help us to rise
Live Jamaica

Saturday 16 May 2020

Women and Heart Disease

Women and Heart Disease

Hawthorn is packed with antioxidants and is a strong natural diuretic. It supports heart health, lowers blood pressure, and is used to treat heart failure. Hawthorn can also be used to help dogs and cats.

Thursday 14 May 2020

Dog Heart Murmur Symptoms

Dog Heart Murmur Symptoms

A heart murmur in your dog can be detected even if it's a grade one murmur, by using a stethoscope. Almost all heart murmurs can be treated. Speak with your veterinarian about supplements that can support your dog's heart health. 

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Wheezing Sign of Heart Disease in Dogs

Wheezing Sign of Heart Disease Dogs

People who know the signs of CHF can detect the condition more quickly. Catching the disease in its early stages can help to improve your dog or cat's life. Natural diuretics like liquid dandelion extract can help, so speak with your veterinarian about them.

Friday 8 May 2020

Diuretic Furosemide Usage

Furosemide dosage for dogs with heart failure

The correct Furosemide dosage for dogs with heart failure can be discussed with your veterinarian. If you are giving your dog supplements that act as diuretics for cats and dogs, you should tell your veterinarian.

While most pets may benefit from taking Furosemide orally, there are other ways to give it. For example, if your veterinarian determines that your dog requires it, they may give the medicine intravenously. They may give up to 4 mg/kg every two hours via intravenous fluids.

If you're giving your dog Furosemide at home, some dogs may be given 1 to 2 mg/kg every 12 hours. Your veterinarian may increase this dosage. Dogs can be given up to 6 mg/kg orally every eight hours.

Saturday 15 February 2020

How To Make A Healthy Broccoli Casserole

How To Make A:

Healthy Broccoli Casserole

Broccoli Casserole

Broccoli cheese Casserole

quinoa Casserole

Broccoli Casserole recipe
vegetarian Casserole