Natural Heart Support for your Dog

Saturday 18 November 2023

Fingers' Strength and Skill


Fingers' Strength and Skill

In fingers strong, a tale unfolds,

Skillful hands, where strength beholds.

Digits dance with purpose, grace,

Crafting wonders, each embrace.

Thumb, the anchor, firm and bold,

Grip of might, stories untold.

Index points to paths unknown,

Guiding tales that will be shown.

Middle, steadfast, a pillar true,

Balancing tasks old and new.

Ring finger, bound in vows of gold,

Love's embrace, a tale to hold.

Little finger, nimble and keen,

In delicate tasks, it reigns supreme.

A symphony of fingers, a skilled hand,

Crafting dreams, a virtuoso's stand.

So, cherish the hands, each finger's lore,

A masterpiece in every chore.

In strength and skill, their stories bind,

The wonders that each finger finds.



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